Landlord / Tenant
- Landlord allegedly forced plaintiff out of unit through threats and intimidation. Defendant landlord claimed plaintiff was not a tenant and that he had no relationship with the plaintiff.
- Plaintiffs rented a one bedroom apartment for 18 years. During that time the plaintiffs alleged that the apartment constantly needed repairs de to water intrusion and that they were exposed to mold and lead paint. The defendant owners and managers did not adequately addressed the maintenance issues and plaintiffs finally moved out. Plaintiffs sued for breach of warranty of habitability, violation of SF rent ordinance and constructive eviction.
- Plaintiff alleged that defendant failed to accommodate his physical disability when he refused to move him to an accessible apartment on the ground floor in the apartment complex. Plaintiff agreed to resolve the case by moving plus a cash amount to compensate him for future medical expenses he would incur because defendant failed to accommodate him timely.